Review- Marie Courtin

'Here, try this.' Our waiter is back and pops the cork of a champagne bottle. As he fills up our glasses, I get a glimpse of the black and white label. Marie Courtin, Résonance. 'You are going to love this,' our waiter continues. 'The champagne maker is from around here.' That's all we need to know. Me and my partner in crime Peter just sat down at a small table in the back of restaurant Aux Crieurs de Vin in Troyes, in the heart of the Aube. The Aube region is queen of Pinot Noir and known for the many innovative champagne makers. Aux Crieurs de Vin, in turn, is known for its high quality champagne menu. In other words: we're probably in for a treat.


Marie Courtin is a small, biodynamic champagne label named after the grandmother of domaine owner Dominique Moreau. With only one large vineyard of around 2,5 hectares, terroir plays a major role in her champagnes. They're all built on the foundations of clay, limestone and marl. Just like her region, Dominique is Pinot Noir focused, but her vineyard is also home to smaller amounts of Chardonnay and Arbane. The whole is orchestrated with great precision, a love for homeopathy and a dislike for chemicals. Dominique uses biodynamic preparations, herbal teas and plant infusions, following the footsteps of her grandmother Marie. Her spirituality plays an important part too, as just like founding father of biodynamic farming Rudolf Steiner, she believes her vineyard is part of a larger whole, that has a natural rhythm and energy that connects everything in and around us.

Innovation Aube-style

Marie Courtin champagne is organically certified since 2005 and biodynamically certified since 2006. These certifications are helpful, but to Dominique, they're a means to and end, which is healthy vineyards, healthy vines and deep, bright champagnes. With this, she embodies the innovative and independent character of the Aube. Once, the region's champagne makers had to fight for their champagne rights as they lived closer to Burgundy than to champagne-centre Épernay. They succeeded and started making out-of-this-world champagne in their own, innovative way that differs from the more classical champagne houses up north. Dominique Moreau is the perfect example of this innovative movement, and I love how the rising popularity of both Marie Courtin champagne and the Aube region are changing the world of champagne for the better. They're a breath of fresh air that attracts a new, younger audience that's all about uniqueness, small scale and 'nothing added' products.


Now let's get to it! Below, you'll find my reviews of the Marie Courtin champagnes, in order of personal preference.

I've tasted 2 out of 5, so keep an eye on this page as I'll be adding new reviews as I go.

Marie Courtin champagne


Location Grape varieties Spicy detail Dosage Rating
Polisot 100% Pinot Noir Discovered in Aux Crieurs de Vin Brut nature 8.8/10

Résonance was the first Marie Courtin champagne I tried, and it was the discovery of the weekend I spent in Troyes. The champagne is remarkably sweet for a brut nature, but thanks to its minerality and depth, it's a pleasant, tingly and blossomy kind of sweet. If Résonance were a flower, it'd definitely be a rose.


Location Grape varieties Spicy detail Dosage Rating
Polisot 100% Pinot Noir In-barrel fermentation Brut nature 8.5/10

Efflorescence is Résonance's rebellious sister: less rosy, yet complex and deeply interesting. When you try out this Marie Courtin champagne, you want to close your eyes and make people around you shut up so you can capture the moment. Efflorescence is aged and fermented in oak barrels, providing the champagne with even more layers than it already has.


Review- Marie and Olivier Horiot


Review- David Léclapart